
ConShape® is a new class of PGR from Valent BioSciences. The active ingredient in ConShape is S-abscisic acid (S-ABA). Originally introduced for central leader control in Christmas Tree production, it now has an expanded label that makes it an important growing tool all growers will want to use. ConShape is now registered for leader control in all types of conifers ranging from Christmas trees to nursery plants and landscape planting. The two primary benefits of its use in this format are the preservation of plant buds that are reduced with mechanical pruning and plant size control of specimen conifer plants. With ConShape, leaders cease growth after a few days and remain that length the remainder of the growing season. ConShape is also registered for the temporary reduction of water stress and the delay of wilting during production, transportation and while at retail. This benefit is a result of treated plants temporarily closing their stomata and preventing water evaporation from the plant. Currently, the plants included for this label usage include Chrysanthemum (both ornamental and potted), Impatiens, New Guinea Impatiens, Petunia, and Poinsettia. Additional plants will be added in the future to this list. The expanded label for ConShape also includes applying the product to reduce transplant shock and enhance plant establishment. With a quick application, growers can become more confident in reducing their losses during transplanting. Nursery grower will be happy to see the next usage added to the expanded ConShape label. The product can be used to accelerate leaf drop before dormancy sets in. Now growers can defoliate nursery stock without having to wait until the end of the season. Unlike the currently used products that burns off the undesired leaves, ConShape drives the plant to naturally drop it leaves and transport the nutrients reserves stored in the leaves back to the plant. The ConShape label additionally includes the removal of undesired fruit in the nursery, or landscape. Your plants will look better, the potential for smell reduced and next year’s bloom will be ensured with ConShape use. ConShape is a remarkable product that provides a variety of use patterns that benefit many growers and landscapers.

(For conifer leader use, precision application to the leaders is achieved through the use of an Easy Roller application tool. Easy Rollers for ConShape® application are now available from Mycorrhizal Applications and ConShape distributors.)

Currently registered in the following states: Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Colorado, Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Minnesota, North Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Texas, New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Virginia.

Crop Categories:

  • Ornamental Horticulture (Greenhouse, Nursery, Landscape)
  • Christmas Tree Production


  • Controls growth of the terminal leader in conifers. Reducing or eliminating the need for manual pruning.
  • Temporary reduction of water stress and wilting during production, transportation and retail display leading to improved plant performance and shelf life.
  • Transplant shock reduction and enhancement of plant establishment leading to less plant loss during transplant.
  • Acceleration of leaf drop before dormancy, allowing growers to defoliate nursery stock when they want it rather than when it occurs naturally.
  • Removal of undesired (nuisance) fruit from trees due to aesthetic reasons, smell, and/or to increase return bloom.

Packaging Options:

  • 1 Liter Bottles
