Magic Gardener® Biofungicide is a broad-spectrum biological fungicide and bactericide perfect for the retail shelf. While there are many biological controls on the market, Magic Gardener boasts a completely new, and higher potency, strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, PTA-4838. This strain has extremely strong staying power and offers a higher level of performance.
Magic Gardener controls common consumer plant problems like downy mildew, leaf spot, gray mold, rusts, powdery mildew, and more. It can be used on a variety of home garden and residential plants such as ornamentals, fruits, vegetables, herbs, and turf.
- Highly Effective Control
- Vibrant Packaging
- Easily Stackable Containers for Display
- Clear Label and Tips for Success
- OMRI Listed for Organic Use
- With one in three respondents to the National Gardening Survey reporting that they are choosing to buy mostly or all organic products, an OMRI listing is a top selling point for many customers
- Two-Year Shelf Life
- Easy to Apply
- Made in the USA
- Compliments Mycorrhizal Applications other retail products: Pyganic®, DeBug®, and Actinovate®
Packaging Options:
- 4 oz. Containers
- Magic Gardener Biofungicide Safety Data Sheet (SDS): CLICK HERE
- OMRI Certificate: CLICK HERE
- Magic Gardener Biofungicide Control Label: CLICK HERE